Full body workout

Day one:

1. Squat: 3*8
2. Bench press barbell: 3*10
3. Barbell rowing over grip: 3*8
4. Shoulder press standing: 3*6
5. Lateral Raises: 3*10
6. Triceps on cable pulldowns: 2-3*10

Day two:

1. Deadlift: 3*6
2. Pull-ups over grip: 3*6-8
3. Incline bench press with dumbbells: 3*10
4. Rowing machine: 3*10
5. Bent over lateral raise: 3*10
6. Biceps curls barbell: 3*8


With 2 training days per week, we start with an alternating full body plan in phase 1. Your body should get a growth stimulus 2/week. Only the tough ones get into the Olympic Garden. Optimal would be 3-4 days break between the training sessions. E.g. Monday+Thursday. Always do warm-up sets before the workout weight for exercises like squats.

Day 1

You train the whole body on both days, but we still set different focuses. Day 1 focuses on the pushing muscles, day 2 on the pulling muscles. The squat is the most important leg exercise. Make sure to go really deep. The butt should be lower than the knees if you can technically do it.

When bench pressing with the barbell, use an intensely heavy weight but not so much that it gets messy. Remember to consciously contract the chest as you press up. We want to get the most out of the exercise! if you don’t have optimal feeling in your chest with the flat bench press, try incline bench press.

Barbell rowing in the overhand grip gives you a killer back. Instead of doing 10 reps, do 8 to pick up more weight. We want the gorilla back!

Shoulder press we do 6 reps and the side raise we do 10. This is how we train the shoulder with different repetition ranges. When doing side raises, focus on really hitting the side shoulder and not letting the neck do the work.

Finally, 2-3 sets of triceps on the cable pulley. Feel into your body how many sets you need to give the triceps the rest without overloading him.

And very important: Increase! Whenever you reach the set/repetition combination you increase the weight! Don’t be one of those plebeians who always takes the same weight.

Day 2

On day 2 we focus on the pulling muscles. You start with one of the best strength exercises ever, the deadlift. If you can do over 120kg you will be stronger in wrestling than other people. To do this, it builds your back extensor, neck, forearms, hamstrings and glutes. Awesome.

Pull-ups in normal shoulder wide overhand grip. Before you bend your arms, pull your shoulders down and together. Do only full reps, so arms fully extended and chin at least bar height. If you find 3*8 too easy, tie on some weight with a dip belt and stay in the 6-8 rep range. If pull-ups are too hard, use a band or the pull-up tower.

Incline bench presses with dumbbells will give you a deep stretch and super activation of the upper chest.

On the rowing machine, don’t arch your back, but sit up straight and stick your chest out . This way you have a higher range of motion and it is better for the upright posture.

When doing a bent over side raise, you want to hit the back shoulder. Put your ego aside and don’t put too much weight on it. The right muscle feeling is imporant with this exercise, not not the weight.

Your biceps have been pre-exhausted from back exercises, now get the last of them out. Don’t make the movement too fast, lower the barbell in a controlled manner instead of dropping it.